Smart Machine

Artificial Intelligence Technology

At smAiT, we're pioneering the future of service robotics, propelled by the relentless pursuit of innovation and the advancement of artificial intelligence technologies. Our core mission is to address the dynamic demands of the modern market, crafting skillfully developed service robots that offer viable, efficient solutions to a myriad of industry needs.

Smait Robots, Smarter World!

we are a partner in progress , catalyst for change

Key Initiatives


R & D

  • Established a dedicated R&D team to focus on emerging technologies and innovative solutions.

  • Collaborating with universities, research institutions, and tech partners to stay at the forefront of robotics technology.


Product Development

  • Launched flagship AMR models with advanced features such as autonomous navigation, real-time data analytics, and remote management.

  • Introducing modular designs that allow for easy customization and upgrades.


Expand Product Portfolio

  • Launched a range of AMRs tailored to different industries, such as logistics, healthcare, hospitality, and retail.


  • Continuously striving to innovate and introduce new features and functionalities based on market demands and technological advancements.


Optimize Production and Supply Chain

  • Leveraging Asia's robust hardware production capabilities to maintain cost efficiency.

  • Partnered with leading software developers to integrate advanced AI solutions in the U.S. for the U.S.


To revolutionize service robotics by developing cutting-edge autonomous mobile robots (AMRs) that enhance efficiency, productivity, and safety across various industries.

 Core Concepts


Continuously developing and integrating cutting-edge technologies to enhance the functionality, efficiency, and adaptability of service robots.

User-Centric Design

User-Centric Design: Focusing on the needs and preferences of the end-users to create robots that are intuitive, user-friendly, and capable of delivering personalized services.

Reliability and Safety


 Reliability and Safety: Ensuring that service robots operate consistently and safely, minimizing risks to humans and property, and building trust in robotic services.

Collaboration and Integration

Facilitating seamless integration with existing systems and fostering collaboration with other technologies and human workers to create synergistic solutions that enhance overall productivity and service quality.

A Team

Our diverse team of engineers, AI specialists, and customer service experts are united by a shared vision: to create robots that are not only technically superior but also intuitive and user-friendly. We are dedicated to continuous improvement, drawing on feedback and market trends to refine and expand our offerings.

"Rooted in a profound understanding of the synergy between technology and human service, our robots transcend mere machinery—they are intelligent companions meticulously crafted to collaborate with people. These advanced solutions enhance productivity and enrich experiences across diverse sectors, including businesses, healthcare, education, and more." 

- Fan Tan Smith, Founder & CEO

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